All publications from "Co-designing and implementing best-fit farming practices" can be found on Zenodo
Work Package 1: Farmer Intentions Survey
- February 2025: Understanding change in uptake of agri-environmental practices in Scotland: Evidence from the Farmer Intentions Survey 2023: Kathryn Colley; Tareq Mzek; Laure Kuhfuss; Fiona Bender; Altea Lorenzo-Arribas; Klaus Glenk; Andrew Barnes; Lee-Ann Sutherland
- November 2024: Planning for Succession as a Trigger for Change: Insights from the Farmer Intention Survey: Lee-Ann Sutherland; Altea Lorenzo-Arribas; Mike Bartram, Kathryn Colley; Jonathan Hopkins; Andrew Barnes; Laure Kuhfuss
- February 2023. Baseline practices of Scottish farmers from the Farmer Intention Survey: Stanislav Martinat; Lee-Ann Sutherland; Andrew Barnes; Jenny McMillan; Jonathan Hopkins.
- August 2022. Policy brief on barriers to up-take of practices: Lee-Ann M. Sutherland; Kit MacLeod; Laure Kuhfuss; Kirsty Blackstock; Stanislav Martinat.
Work Package 2: Arable/Horticultural Collaborative Case Study
- February 2023. Summary report on food system mapping: Trinity Ndovlu; Alon Zuta; Graham Begg; Gill Banks.
Work Package 3: Diversification Collaborative Case Study
- October 2023. The role of social media platforms for diversified farm businesses in Scotland: Leanne Townsend; Sinead Lambe; Sharon Flanigan; Christina Noble; Rachel Creaney; Matthew England.
Work Package 4: Livestock Collaborative Case Study (ANIHUB)
- February 2023. Lewis and Harris training workshops for roundworm monitoring and diagnostics: Claire Hardy & Dave Bartley.
January 2023. Policy brief on barriers to best fit biosecurity practices for sheep keepers in remote areas: Claire Hardy & Dave Bartley.