Publications linked to Farmer Intentions Survey

Here is a selection of publications on high-impact topics that have been addressed thanks to the Farmer Intentions Survey:


Policy Briefs:

  • February 2023. "Baseline practices of Scottish farmers from the Farmer Intention Survey": In this briefing note we present analysis from the 2018 Farmer Intentions Survey (FIS): Farm economy, Diversification, and Sources of advice, identifying 21 questions which can be used as baseline practices. These questions will be repeated in the 2023 survey.To assess how farms are changing – and responding to contemporary challenges such as the twin climate and biodiversity crises and post-covid recovery. Stanislav Martinat; Lee-Ann Sutherland; Andrew Barnes; Jenny McMillan; Jonathan Hopkins.
  • March 2022: “Afforestation among Scottish farmers as reflected in the Farmer Intentions Survey (2018)”: This report provides an insight into the characteristics of farmers who have afforested their land since they became the farm manager. Stan Martinat & Annie McKee.
  • March 2022: “A comparative analysis of Island and Mainlands smallholder farmers and crofters: evidence from the large-scale farmer intentions survey”: This report looks at how smallholder farming and crofting contributes to the economic development of rural areas and can benefit biodiversity through generally lower intensive management practices. We compare the characteristics, past behaviours, and intentions for investments between the islands and the mainland. Jenny McMillan, Andrew Barnes, Hernan Degiovanni, Steven Thomson, Jon Hopkins, Lee-Ann Sutherland.
  • March 2021: “Scottish farms, internet access and social media”: This research note presents analyses of the role of social media and internet access in Scottish farming. It focuses particularly on differences between diversified and non-diversified farmers, as well as amongst established and new entrant farmers. Carla Barlagne, Jonathan Hopkins, Lee-Ann Sutherland, Douglas Wardell Johnson, Andrew Barnes, Jenny McMillan, Steven Thompson.
  • March 2021: “How often does intended farm management behaviour match ‘actual’ behaviour? Insights for thirteen farm activities (2013-18)”: This research note uses the FIS to analyse how well actual farm management behaviour in recent years matched previously expressed intentions, for different farm activities. This analysis was then extended for subsets of farmers, focusing on the identification of unexpected changes by farmers who intended no change in management. Jonathan Hopkins, Steven Thomson, Dave Miller, Lee-Ann Sutherland, Carla Barlagne, Douglas Wardell-Johnson, Andrew Barnes, Jenny McMillan.
  • March 2021: “Comparing commercial female and male farmers: different paths to management and ways of decision-making, but similar farming approaches?”: This report focuses on commercial farmers, using two large farmer surveys, to identify evidence of potential differences and inequalities between female and male farmers. Jonathan Hopkins, Lee-Ann Sutherland, Annie McKee, Carla Barlagne, Andrew Barnes, Jenny McMillan, Steven Thomson, Dave Miller, Douglas Wardell-Johnson.
  • June 2020: “Farmer Responses to Brexit: An examination of different outlooks to Brexit – Briefing Note”: This briefing note outlines the results of the FIS, look at farmers’ approaches towards farming and how this may affect Brexit planning. Andrew Barnes, Jenny McMillan, Steven Thomson, Michael Spencer, Jon Hopkins, Lee-Ann Sutherland, Keith Matthews.
  • March 2020: “New entrants: their potential contribution to farming in Scotland by 2023”: This note summarises selected insights from the FIS, detailing how new entrants’ characteristics, outlook and farm intentions are distinct from those of successors and long-term established farmers. This analysis has found that new entrants are not necessarily young, but they are more likely to be women and have high formal qualifications than other cohorts. Jonathan Hopkins, Lee-Ann Sutherland, Adam Calo, Carla Barlagne, Douglas Wardell-Johnson, Andrew Barnes, Steven Thomson, Jenny McMillan, Michael Spencer.
  • January 2020: “Farmer Intentions Survey: Regional Dimensions to Change”: This briefing note looks at the farming differences between three geographical regions of Scotland: Southern Scotland; Eastern Scotland and the Highlands and Islands. Findings reveal that household income from agriculture is substantially lower in the Highlands & Islands, whilst farmers and crofters in the Highlands & Islands are more likely to view Brexit as a challenge than an opportunity. Jenny McMillan, Andrew Barnes , Steven Thomson, Michael Spencer, Jon Hopkins, Lee-Ann Sutherland, Douglas Wardell-Johnson.
  • October 2019: “Farmer Responses to Brexit: Intentions to deliver more ‘public goods for public money’”: This briefing note outlines the intentions of farmers’ in agri-environmental provision. Findings reveal that over 50 per cent of farmers plan no changes to the levels of agri-environmental provision on their holding, whilst between approximately 14 and 27 per cent of farmers plan to increase provide greater “public goods for public money” through increased areas of agri-environmental, forestry, small-scale woodland, and renewable energy production. Jenny McMillan, Andrew Barnes, Steven Thomson, Michael Spencer, Jon Hopkins, Lee-Ann Sutherland, Douglas Wardell-Johnson.
  • July 2019: “Farmer Responses to Brexit: Adoption of Risk Management Behaviours”: This briefing note outlines the intentions of farmers towards Brexit uncertainty and adoption of risk management tools. Findings reveal that most farmers, crofters, and smallholders were uncertain around the potential impacts of Brexit on their business meaning they were not proactively engaged in risk management behaviours. Andrew Barnes, Jenny McMillan, Steven Thomson, Michael Spencer, Jon Hopkins, Lee-Ann Sutherland, Keith Matthews.

Academic Papers: